Funda Filters

Funda Pressure Leaf Filter

Automated Self-Cleaning

Funda filters feature automated and self-cleaning capabilities, providing efficient performance and convenient maintenance.

Pre-Coat Optimized

Horizontal filter leaves provide a surface that utilizes gravity for robust filtration, minimizing the risk of pre-coat disruption due to pressure fluctuations.

Fully Enclosed System

The fully contained system ensures operator and environmental protection, efficiently and safely collecting spent cake with hazardous substances for disposal.

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Why Choose a Steri Funda Filter?

With more than 6,000 systems in place worldwide, and hundreds in North America, the FUNDA has an extensive track record of reliable performances across a broad range of applications.

Our FUNDA filters offer a wide range of options to cater to your specific requirements. Backed by the expertise of process professionals, we offer knowledgeable decision support to ensure that the FUNDA filter is precisely configured according to your specifications.

FUNDA: A Complete Enclosed Filter Design

The FUNDA is a centrifugal discharge, pressure leaf filter designed for liquid solid separation. It is a compact, self-cleaning, multi-plate filter with integrated heating and drying for manufacturing, pilot and laboratory applications. The FUNDA filter is a complete enclosed filter designed for pressure filtration.


The top mounted drive assembly can be easily removed from the vessel. Options include hydraulic drive or electric drive with variable speed drive system.


The seal and bearing assembly is designed to eliminate causes of failure, the seal rides on a bearing sleeve instead of the shaft, preventing shaft wear and potential for costly repair. Seal options include lip seals, stuffing box (with or without flushing), mechanical seal or hydraulic bellows seal.


Dished filter plates with spacer rings and sealing gaskets are mounted on a hollow shaft, and secured by a tightening device. The FUNDA filter media is held in place by a clamp ring and can be quickly and easily changed. Various types of media are available.



Anatomy of a FUNDA Filter

Type A FUNDA Filter

Design A Type


Type R FUNDA Filter

Design R Type

A-Type for Wet Discharge “A for Anschwemmfilter”

FUNDA filters by Steri are available in two basic configurations. Type “R” for dry cake discharge or Type “A” for slurry cake discharge. For added versatility, type “R” filters can be configured for both dry and slurry discharge. The Type “A” FUNDA filter, also known as the Anshwemmfilter, is available in a variety of sizes to suit any need.

Funda Typea Nest Filter

Steri offers a complete range of off-the-shelf options plus the engineering applications know-how to configure your filtration system to your specifications. With standard components proven effective many times over, it’s a sure way to bring a new system on-line quickly and without problems.

Funda A Sizes

Dimensions Type A

Filter Size Product Inlet Filtrate Outlet Heel Volume Outlet Overflow Nozzle Cake Outlet Inspection Port No of Filter Plates Plate Diameter Spacing* Of Filter Plate A B C D E F Filter Weight Empty approx. Filling Volume approx.
m2 inches inches inches inches inches inches Qty mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm kg liters
1 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 3 4 9 400 30 1540 235 250 730 500 540 700 120
2 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 3 4 18 400 30 1870 555 250 1050 500 540 950 170
5 2 2 2 2 4 4 20 600 30 2090 670 250 1205 700 750 1300 360
7 2 2 2 2 4 4 16 800 30 2045 485 300 1070 900 950 1400 520
10 3 3 3 3 6 4 22 800 30 2265 660 300 1290 900 950 1800 630
15 3 3 3 3 6 4 33 800 30 2695 1090 300 1720 900 950 2000 860
20 3 3 3 3 8 4 28 1000 30 2640 780 400 1540 1100 1150 2300 1100
25 4 4 4 4 8 4 35 1000 30 2895 1040 400 1800 1100 1150 2500 1300
30 4 4 4 4 10 4 43 1000 30 3195 1330 400 2090 1100 1150 3000 1550
35 4 4 4 4 10 4 50 1000 30 3555 1490 500 2355 1100 1150 3300 1700
40 6 6 6 6 12 4 57 1000 30 3810 1745 500 2605 1100 1150 4000 1900
45 6 6 6 6 12 4 63 1000 30 4030 1875 500 2825 1200 1250 5000 2550
50 6 6 6 6 12 4 45 1250 30 4375 1625 500 2625 1400 1450 6500 3100
60 6 6 6 6 12 4 54 1250 30 4710 1960 500 2960 1400 1450 8500 3500

*as per individual requirements.



R-Type for Dry Discharge “R for Rueckstandfilter”

FUNDA filters by Steri are available in two basic configurations. Type “R” for dry cake discharge or Type “A” for slurry cake discharge. For added versatility, the “R” type FUNDA filter, also known as the Rueckstandfilter, can be configured for both dry and slurry discharge.

Funda Typer Nest Filter

Steri offers a complete range of off-the-shelf options plus the engineering applications know-how to configure your filtration system to your specifications. With standard components proven effective many times over, it’s a sure way to bring a new system on-line quickly and without problems.

Funda R Sizes

Dimensions Type R

Filter Size Product Inlet Filtrate Outlet Heel Volume Outlet Overflow Nozzle Cake Outlet Inspection Port No of Filter Plates Plate Diameter Spacing* Of Filter Plate A B C D E F Filter Weight Empty approx. Filling Volume approx.
m2 inches inches inches inches inches inches Qty mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm kg liters
1 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 10 4 9 400 30 1646 731 250 1246 500 540 900 190
2 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 10 4 18 400 30 1970 1055 250 1570 500 540 1100 250
5 2 2 1.5 2 10 4 20 600 30 2220 1065 300 1680 700 750 1500 470
7 2 2 1.5 2 10 4 16 800 30 2240 975 400 1740 900 950 2000 730
10 3 3 2 3 12 4 22 800 30 2474 1209 400 1974 900 950 2400 880
15 3 4 3 3 16 4 33 800 30 2900 1635 400 2400 1000 1050 3000 1410
20 3 4 3 3 16 4 28 1000 30 2820 1420 500 2320 1150 1200 3100 1670
25 4 4 3 4 16 4 35 1000 30 3080 1680 500 2580 1150 1200 3500 1890
30 4 4 3 4 16 4 43 1000 30 3380 1972 500 2872 1150 1200 4000 2100
35 4 4 3 4 16 4 50 1000 30 3740 2130 600 3130 1150 1200 5100 2350
40 6 6 3 4 20 4 57 1000 30 4000 2385 600 3385 1150 1200 5900 2650
45 6 6 3 4 20 4 63 1000 30 4210 2600 600 3600 1150 1200 6800 2830
50 6 6 3 4 20 4 45 1250 30 4600 2490 600 3590 1400 1450 8000 4000
60 6 6 3 4 20 4 54 1250 30 5140 2635 800 3930 1400 1450 10000 4400

*as per individual requirements.

FUNDA: Ideal for Activated Carbon Filters

With a full range of options and knowledgeable decision support from process experts, our FUNDA filters can be precisely configured to meet specifications. What’s more, you’ll benefit from the flow of design enhancements Steri has been bringing on-line each year.


FUNDA Filter are built in the United States of America by Steri Technologies, the world’s most experienced FUNDA filter manufacturers. These filters incorporate important functional enhancements designed by Steri’s engineers, each with a quarter century of hands-on FUNDA experience. With more than 6,000 FUNDA filter systems in place worldwide, and hundreds in North America, this technology has an extensive track record of reliable performance across a broad range of applications. FUNDA filters are typically used as:


  • Activated Carbon Filters
  • Resin Filters
  • Catalyst Filters
  • Antibiotics Separation Filters
  • Food Industry Filters requiring FDA approval
  • Fuel and Oil Additive Filters
  • Gold Precipitate Recovery Filters
  • Hazardous Materials Filters, including Radioactive Waste Filters
  • Machine Oil Regeneration Filters
  • Photo-Chemicals Filters
  • Polyol, Plasticizer and Antioxidant Filters
  • Precious Metal Filters and others

7m2 FUNDA Filter With CIP Manifold

Superior design, superlative performance and aggressive support.


Easy to buy. Easy to use
Steri will earn your business with care and continuity you can count on for the life of your filtration processes.



Safe Efficient & Reliable

FUNDA filters are engineered for safe, efficient and reliable operations, even in the most demanding applications involving hazardous materials or sterile environments.


A Safe Solution


A contained, fully automated system protects people and the environment. Spent cake containing hazardous substances can be efficiently and safely collected for disposal.


An Efficient Solution


The FUNDA filter will not only help you reduce labor costs, but also virtually eliminate product losses with total heel recovery. Its horizontal, dimpled filter plates assure complete drainage and even cake deposition. They are self-supporting, eliminating the need for outer supports that interfere with cake discharge.


A Reliable System


Designed to minimize such problems as excessive bearing wear and seal failures, and built by Steri to the highest quality standards, FUNDA filters can meet or exceed rigorous demands of operation with proven reliability in thousands of applications.

The FUNDA filter operates one batch at a time to remove solids from liquids. When the batch is complete the filter nest briefly spins at high speed to sling off the cake that was collected on the filter plates. The name FUNDA is the latin word for: to sling.


The Type A FUNDA Filter is designed for wet cake discharge and consists of four main parts; the vessel, the head, the filter nest and the filter drive.



Design A Type1

Filter Vessel


The largest part of the FUNDA filter is the vessel. It is cylindrical in form with a dished bottom. The head, which is removable, closes the top of the vessel and supports the filter nest and the drive unit. The filter nest is an assembly of horizontal filter plates stacked on a vertical, rotatable hollow shaft. There are upper and lower bearings and seals for the filter shaft. On the Type A FUNDA filter the lower bearing and seal can be serviced without removing the filter nest.


Filter Nest & Filter Motor


Each filter plate assembly consists of a filter plate, a support screen, a filter screen and an outer clamp ring. There is also a passage ring and an inner clamp ring. The inner and outer clamp rings hold the filter screen in place while the support screen and the passage ring are trapped between the filter screen and the filter plate. The slightly dished form of the filter plate assures complete drainage of the filtered liquid. The filter drive can be either electric or hydraulic. The hydraulic drive is directly coupled to the filter shaft while the electric drive employs a reducer. When the electric drive motor is mounted vertically above the filter shaft, a gear reducer is installed. The electric drive option uses a programma- ble VFD speed controller.




During operation the unfiltered liquid is pumped into the vessel and flows around the stationary filter nest. When the vessel is full, the pressure in the vessel begins to rise. This pressure forces the unfiltered liquid through the filter screens. The solids are left on the filter plates and the filtered liquid flows into the hollow shaft to drain out through the filtrate outlet which exits through the bottom of the vessel. The filter nest remains stationary during the slurry filtration.


Heel Filtration


Once the slurry filtration is complete some of the unfiltered liquid remains in the FUNDA filter below the lowest filter plate. This is the heel. In order to capture it, the heel can be drained from the filter vessel and pumped to a nozzle on the top of the Funda filter. The unfiltered liquid is directed by a distribution plate, which is mounted inside the head of the filter, to gently cascade over the filter plates until all of the heel has been filtered. Due to the dished shape of the vessel bottom of the Type A FUNDA filter, less heel is left at the end of each batch than that which is left in the cone of a Type R FUNDA filter.



Cake Discharge


Once the filter is empty, the filter nest briefly spins at high speed to sling off the cake. The cake falls to the bottom of the vessel where a valve opens to allow the cake to drop into a receptacle. The Type A FUNDA filter features a wiper blade to aid the removal of wet cake discharge. The wiper blade is attached to the bottom of the filter nest and pushes the cake to the outlet. Discharging the cake while still wet reduces the overall time between batches.

Theory of Operation: FUNDA Cake Filtration


The vessel is filled with unfiltered product or pre-coat, and circulated through the overflow nozzle for an even suspension.


Pre-coating is the process where a suitable a material is deposited on the filter screens prior to filtration of the product. The suspension is circulated through the filter elements to produce a porous pre-coat layer.


Pre-Filtration is generally recommended prior to the filtration operation. This step is identical to the filtration step except the product is circulated back to the feeding tank, ensuring a clear filtrate is being obtained.


Cake Filtration
The filtrate passes through the building filter cake, filter plate and spacer ring area to the hollow shaft and filtrate outlet. Once filtration is complete, the vessel is full of unfiltered liquid. This liquid can be also filtered by applying inert gas to the top of the filter vessel, thus forcing the liquid through the filter plates until all of the solids is deposited on the plates. Some liquid is left below the bottom most plate. This is the heel.


Heel Volume Filtration
After filtration and/or washing, the heel liquid can be recycled by pump into the vessel head from the bottom outlet. While the liquid is cascading onto the plates, inert gas is also applied to create the necessary filtration pressure until the entire heel has been filtered. Product recovery is maximized by this process, which is faster and more efficient than systems utilizing scavenger plates.


Cake Washing
The wash liquid follows the same route as in filtration. Cascade washing using the heel volume filtration method reduces the wash liquid volume.


Cake Drying
The cake can be heated and dried in the vessel using hot gases, such as steam, air or nitrogen. As a more efficient alternative to a steady flow of nitrogen in drying, the vessel can be repeatedly pressurized and quickly evacuated, dramatically reducing nitrogen usage.


Slurry Cake Discharge
The wet cake is flung from the rotating plates, falls to the bottom, and exits through the discharge nozzle, aided by a suitable solvent. Gas pressure may be used to assure the flow of viscous mixtures.


Dry Cake Discharge
As the filter nest rotates, the dry friable cake is flung from the plates, falls freely to the bottom, and exits through the bottom discharge opening.


Completely Automated FUNDA Cake Filtration

Completely automatic filtration systems eliminate manual filter cleaning. FUNDA filtration provide completely automatic treatment in solid-liquid separation processes.


Horizontal filter discs ensure even cake build-up. The entire system can be automated and there is a unique device to filter the entire heel. The cake can be washed or extracted with solvent while still on the filter plates without disturbing the cake.


The key to producing a quality product using Steri Filters is process integration. Steri engineering works with you early-on to create a complete filtration process sequence. Part of the sequence development includes an evaluation of your overall system that results in recommended upgrades to your system. Giving you the best performance possible from your new Steri filter. The sequence, which is presented in HMI screenshots, includes all the steps required such as filling, pre-coat, filtration, washing, re-slurrying, drying, discharge and clean-in-place.


In House Engineering

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Frequently Asked Questions

Answer: Slurry is the generic term for the liquid product before undergoing filtration. In other words, the slurry contains the solids that are to be filtered out.

Answer: Filter cake, or just cake, refers to the solids that collect on the screens of the filter plates.

Answer: No. The screens of the FUNDA filter plates are horizontal and face up, therefore the cake is stable and remains in place.

Answer: Yes. As the plates of the FUNDA Filter collect cake, the pressure required to force the liquid through the screens increases. The pressure across all plates naturally aims for equilibrium. If the cake were to build faster on one plate, flow would increase to the others thus depositing more solids there until the pressure is equal across all of the plates thus self-leveling the cake on all plates.

Answer: The remaining slurry, or heel, is drained from the FUNDA filter or pumped through the heel pipe to a nozzle on the top of the FUNDA filter leaving no liquid in the filter (Often referred as heel filtration). The slurry is directed by a distribution plate inside the head of the FUNDA filter that allows the slurry to gently cascade over the filter plates until all of the heel has been filtered.

Answer: Yes. A suitable fluid can be pumped through the cake to aid in the removal of contaminants.

Answer: Cake discharge is very simply achieved by spinning the filter plates. The cake slings off the plates and falls to the bottom of the filter.

Answer: No. Various clean in place accessories are available for the FUNDA Filter.

Answer: Yes. With the help of Steri engineering, a sequence of steps can be established utilizing sensors and remotely operated valves to permit full automatic operation of the FUNDA filter.

Answer: Yes. Steri Technologies has the experience to design and build a skid mounted system to your unique requirements.

Answer: Yes, the FUNDA filter is a self-cleaning filter. Various cleaning and CIP options are available.

Answer: Yes, Steri offers re-screening services for Funda filters and other pressure leaf filter brands. Click Here to learn more about our rescreening process.